Nov 26, 2021Liked by Chris Joseph

I am a vaxer. I have always gotten the flu vaccine because my job and life is to be near people from all walks of life. I work to be healthy as well. I don't smoke, I drink in moderation, and am careful about what I eat, etc. (All of this is easy for me because I am a small person and I learned early in life through the culture of my family to be "responsible" for myself and on behalf of others.) I have encouraged vaccinations: flu and COVID. I am also one who respects people with whom I disagree even toward those who don't embrace mandates to be vaxed. (Many I know are vaxed for their own well being and the well being of others, but they hate being forced to do something by "authorities"). For me all of us are "we." There is no "us vs. them." I know I love to debate, so let me debate myself.... what if some believed that STOP signs are "voluntary" even though they are NOT. I believe they are mandatory. Unfortunately, many people roll through stop signs. I don't. In this specific case I am a rule follower. I think anyone who rolls through a stop sign should get a ticket. But I don't think they would lose their job because honestly most (if not all of us at one time or another) have rolled through stop signs. But I do honestly think it is ultimately dangerous to roll through. I am pretty rigid when it comes to using turn signals too... running stop signs is likely to be fatal for someone, but rolling through them is not necessarily fatal. How does this apply? Most people I know already have immunity because they contracted COVID and have antibodies. I would encourage them to also get vaccinated, but I also recognize they have immunity and that the "authorities" are unwilling to recognize the value of natural immunity. Also, mandates can in themselves be misused by "authorities." We have many examples throughout human history of elected or non-elected rulers abusing their authority. So I prefer to do my best to influence rather than force. COVID is not dangerous solely because of my neighbor. It is dangerous because IT is the enemy, not my neighbor. So, I agree with Chris here, I'm not pointing fingers. I am encouraging and respecting. I got COVID at the beginning to 2021. I don't blame anyone else other than COVID itself. I am grateful that I am fairly healthy and probably because of it my case was mild. I know there are exceptions, but they are exceptions. Ultimately I following the philosophy of "love one another.... love your neighbor..... and love you enemy." I will express love for others in a variety of ways: respect, showing kindness, and for me, vaxing." I do not judge others though, by my example, because I am not, by far, the only measure of goodness.

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Chris, I agree with everything in your article…except reducing my drinking…🍻

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